go on
Hello Poses - lover :o)
This website was closed for quiete a while ... - in fact it was some time down.
The reasons are various - the most important one was bandwidth. Noone was able to take the amount
this site took :o(. It jumped for more than one year from one host to another and found no home.
I was unwilling to pay some bucks for giving it a host because I believe it is somehow wrong paying for
something to give away for free.
Keep that in mind when you download from here. I'm paying for the traffic you make. So if you abuse Downloadmanagers
you're someone who I will call names that are better not written here. Some of us still have this spirit doing it
the same way like I do - giving away free stuff - but we're dying. It is up to you to keep us allive. Is it in selling
some of our products or
simply saying "thank you" from time to time. It helps us doing what we're doing - giving our heart to the
You might call me an idiot or you call me a dreamer - but I still believe in that community. Elsewhere I would have left
a long time ago. It was short before early this year because people were flushing in only thinking it is normal taking
every free stuff and selling everything they made for a price that was way overpriced compared with the quality of the
product. But some of the old staff brought my faith in this community back.
I think the time has come to bring this website back now. Maybe these people have learned. I really hope so.
So, if you browse through this website do it with fun but never forget that it is a lot of work to do all this
stuff and keeping it available. This is not counting for only this site - Poser has a community - that is somehow
unique in the Softwareworld I think. Where else are you able to ask questions and the CEO answeres personally. Almost
all of the so-called Posergods (NEVER say this to me - I really hate being named like that) are answering mails if you
ask friendly and kindly. This is something that have to kept allive and a lot of us working hard for keeping that
Now to another influence that is rushing in - it is called warez. It is so easy nowadays to get almost every product
that is available for free. If you want use Morpheus or other things like that for trying out this and that character
and model - but if you like it - buy it. I f you can't afford to buy it - delete it. I know this is hard. But think
about that a lot of people earning their money from what they selling - If you use warez you steal exactly that money
and if this artist is living on the street you'll never get the next update of a character or new ones.
go on